Neil Goodman
Neil Goodman is Chief Executive Officer at Magnum Mining & Exploration, an ASX listed mineral exploration company which aims to become the First pig iron producer for EAF steelmakers on the US west coast. Neil has formerly provided consulting services to organisations having plans to develop iron ore downstream processing opportunities worldwide and was also involved in the design and commissioning of ironmaking plants in Europe, America and Asia for over 20 years for Davy McKee, based in the UK and the US. Following this, Neil was the General Manager of Rio Tinto’s HIsmelt Corporation for more than 10 years, responsible for the design and operation of the first commercial scale HIsmelt plants in Western Australia and China. Neil has worked for more than 40 years in the steel industry with a strong emphasis on the research, development and commercialisation of new technologies to improve efficiency and reduce environmental emissions and brings a particular skill to the HILT CRC Board with his experience in the development, management and commercialisation of intellectual property. Neil graduated from Imperial College London, with a degree in Metallurgy, and was the recipient of the Charles Salter prize for excellence in metallurgy from the Royal School of Mines.