Corporate Publications

View our collection of publications designed for our current and future industry, government, and research partners.


Our policies reflect our commitment to conducting our business to the highest ethical standards, fostering a culture of compliance and integrity.

Corporate Strategy

Our Values


Collaboration: We work together with all stakeholders to deliver our mission.


Innovation: We embrace all ideas and recognise that complex problems require persistence and taking measured risk.


Integrity: We ensure compliance and are open, transparent, honest and reliable.


High Performance: We will deliver high quality projects that are aligned to industry needs.


Respect: We are a diverse, encouraging and caring organisation.




Ensure long-term jobs, prosperity, competitiveness, intellectual property, ownership retention and self-sufficiency of Australian industry in the global low-carbon economy, while increasing domestic security through strengthened industrial capacity.


Provide professional and technical development for a new generation of highly skilled people, particularly in regional areas, with expertise in growing a sustainable heavy industry sector; this will include re-skilling workers following job-losses from COVID-19.


Create emissions reductions from heavy industry in the global supply chain of energy-intensive processes and products, through integration with renewable energy industries.


Enable integration with the ‘new economy’ by embedding the industry in circular economy and deep-sustainability principles.


Enhance national and international collaboration through a wide network of researchers, government and industry.

Research Strategy

The HILT CRC Research Strategy has been developed in close consultation with Partners, identifies outputs, pathways and prioritised focus areas.

The Research Strategy assists our Board, Steering Committee, Research Advisory Committee (RACs) and Program Leaders in making decisions and supporting the delivery and development of research projects, and contributes to the planning for infrastructure that HILT CRC will invest in over the 10-year duration of the CRC.

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