Higher Degree by Research Scholarships Application Form


HILT CRC’s Education and Training Program offers a large number of full, co-funded and top-up scholarships to Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students at both Master and PhD levels across its three research programs. The research projects undertaken will be linked to industry-focused research topics and HILT will establish a wide range of opportunities for students to undertake placements with relevant HILT CRC partner organisations as part of their candidacy.

Any student interested in undertaking a postgraduate scholarship is encouraged to review the Scholarship Guidelines and complete the Scholarship Application Form below. Details for how to apply for postgraduate scholarships are included in the guidelines.

Personal Details

What degrees do you already hold?

What is your intended scholarship?

Supervisor Details

Proposed End-user / Industry Co-Supervisor(s) or advisor(s):


The application form and supporting documents are required to be sent by the principal supervisor after consultation with the University’s representative on the HILT CRC Education & Training Committee (ETAC).
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

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