Ray Mostogl

Culminating as General Manager of Rio Tinto’s Aluminium Smelter in Tasmania for seven years, Ray's experience includes major workforce cultural change programs, operationalising technological upgrades, financial turnarounds, engineering and operational roles, building resilient communities and decades of mentoring and coaching people at all levels of an organisation across multiple locations in Australia and New Zealand. In addition to experience in aluminium smelters, he has worked in maintenance and engineering roles at Newcastle Steelworks, mostly in the Blast Furnaces. Ray served on the Board of TasTAFE and Launceston Chamber of Commerce and is currently the CEO for Tasmanian Minerals, Manufacturing and Energy Council (TMEC) the industry body for mines, mineral processors, energy intensive businesses and manufacturers in Tasmania. He is also the CEO and part owner of KEEN Partners – A Tasmanian Resource and Training Company which manages apprentices, trainees, and a flexible workforce. Ray is Chair of Tasmanian Energy & Infrastructure Workforce Advisory Committee (TEIWAC) – Providing guidance to Skills Tasmania and Minister for Education and Training on vocational education requirements in preparation for an increase in Renewable Energy projects in Tasmania. Ray holds a Mechanical Engineering Certificate (1983) and is a Graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Ray Mostogl

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